PT One Way Integrasi Majumapan

Engineering, Consultancy, Management, Business and Trading

Konsultansi Bisnis

Solusi untuk tantangan bisnis yang kompleks.

Instalasi sistem energi terbarukan yang efisien.

Investasi dan trading untuk pertumbuhan berkelanjutan.

Manajemen Proyek
Layanan konsultansi yang profesional.

Tentang PT Owi 5758

Kami adalah mitra strategis dalam engineering, manajemen, dan energi terbarukan, menyediakan solusi untuk pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan mengatasi tantangan industri.

A landscape featuring a large solar panel array in the foreground, with a modern wind turbine to the left. Behind the renewable energy installations, an industrial facility with multiple chimneys and storage tanks is visible under a clear blue sky.
A landscape featuring a large solar panel array in the foreground, with a modern wind turbine to the left. Behind the renewable energy installations, an industrial facility with multiple chimneys and storage tanks is visible under a clear blue sky.



Kepercayaan Pelanggan

Inovasi Berkelanjutan

Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan solusi konsultansi, instalasi, investasi, dan trading untuk pertumbuhan bisnis berkelanjutan.

Konsultansi Bisnis

Layanan konsultansi kami membantu perusahaan mengatasi tantangan dan mencapai tujuan bisnis yang diinginkan.

Several rows of solar panels are arranged on a grassy hillside, surrounded by dense green trees, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Several rows of solar panels are arranged on a grassy hillside, surrounded by dense green trees, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Instalasi Energi

Kami menawarkan layanan instalasi sistem energi terbarukan untuk mendukung efisiensi dan keberlanjutan perusahaan.

Investasi dan Trading

Kami menyediakan layanan investasi dan trading untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan pengembangan bisnis Anda.
A small wind turbine stands in the foreground, set against a rocky hillside with sparse vegetation and trees. Another turbine can be seen in the distance. The scene suggests renewable energy installations in a natural environment.
A small wind turbine stands in the foreground, set against a rocky hillside with sparse vegetation and trees. Another turbine can be seen in the distance. The scene suggests renewable energy installations in a natural environment.
An aerial view of an industrial area featuring a large wind turbine situated adjacent to a facility with rooftop solar panels. Surrounding the structures, there are patches of grass and dirt with a network of roads and pathways visible. A few scattered trees line the streets and there are several parked cars near the building.
An aerial view of an industrial area featuring a large wind turbine situated adjacent to a facility with rooftop solar panels. Surrounding the structures, there are patches of grass and dirt with a network of roads and pathways visible. A few scattered trees line the streets and there are several parked cars near the building.

Proyek Kami

Kami menyediakan solusi untuk berbagai tantangan industri yang kompleks.

Several wind turbines are positioned in a vast open field, with the sun partially obscured by one of the turbine blades. The sky is dotted with scattered clouds, allowing beams of sunlight to break through. The landscape appears serene and expansive, with the focus on renewable energy sources.
Several wind turbines are positioned in a vast open field, with the sun partially obscured by one of the turbine blades. The sky is dotted with scattered clouds, allowing beams of sunlight to break through. The landscape appears serene and expansive, with the focus on renewable energy sources.
Konsultansi Teknik

Menyediakan layanan konsultansi untuk proyek teknik yang efektif.

A clear blue sky provides the backdrop for a modern renewable energy setup featuring a wind turbine and solar panels. The sleek, geometric arrangement of solar panels reflects light while the blades of the wind turbine cut through the sky above.
A clear blue sky provides the backdrop for a modern renewable energy setup featuring a wind turbine and solar panels. The sleek, geometric arrangement of solar panels reflects light while the blades of the wind turbine cut through the sky above.
Energi Terbarukan

Solusi inovatif untuk pengembangan energi yang berkelanjutan.

Two large wind turbines with three blades each stand against a cloudy blue sky, indicating a focus on renewable energy.
Two large wind turbines with three blades each stand against a cloudy blue sky, indicating a focus on renewable energy.
Rows of solar panels are arranged in a diagonal pattern across a green field. The panels are uniformly spaced and cover a large area, emphasizing renewable energy and sustainability.
Rows of solar panels are arranged in a diagonal pattern across a green field. The panels are uniformly spaced and cover a large area, emphasizing renewable energy and sustainability.
Manajemen Proyek

Pengelolaan proyek yang efisien dan terencana dengan baik.

Investasi Cerdas

Strategi investasi untuk pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan.

Layanan konsultansi dan instalasi dari PT Owi sangat membantu dalam mengembangkan bisnis kami secara berkelanjutan.

Budi Santoso

A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
Several wind turbines stand atop a green hill, surrounded by a clear sky filled with clouds. The turbines are evenly spaced and exhibit modern engineering with metal support structures, contributing to a clean energy landscape.
Several wind turbines stand atop a green hill, surrounded by a clear sky filled with clouds. The turbines are evenly spaced and exhibit modern engineering with metal support structures, contributing to a clean energy landscape.
