Kontak Kami

Two large wind turbines stand against a bright sky with scattered clouds. The blades of the turbines are clearly visible, adding to the sense of scale and height. The scene suggests a focus on renewable energy.
Two large wind turbines stand against a bright sky with scattered clouds. The blades of the turbines are clearly visible, adding to the sense of scale and height. The scene suggests a focus on renewable energy.

Hubungi kami untuk solusi engineering, manajemen, dan energi terbarukan yang mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis Anda.

PT. One Way Integrasi Majumapan

Kunjungi kantor kami untuk konsultasi dan solusi bisnis yang berkelanjutan dalam bidang engineering dan energi terbarukan.


Jl. Terusan Jakarta No. 175 Antapani Kulo

Kota Bandung 40291